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  • Working in Teams 🤝

    Collaboration is super easy in Ping. Just add a contact and you can delegate tasks. If you work with people on a one-on-one basis, that's all you need. Need your assistant to book a first-class flight for you? Just keep it between the two of you 😉 However, if you work with a close-knit team, it might be useful to see everyone's tasks. Why Groups are handy See all group tasks in one special view to add more transparency to your team's work. Each task has one assignee and one requester (the person who will review the task), but everyone can see the task and comment if necessary. Drop a task in the group, and anyone can pick it up—even you 🙋‍♀️. Your group tasks appear in "My Tasks" or are sorted into Today/This Week/Later. Keep all your to-dos in one place. How to add a Group? Desktop / web apps: Mobile app: After setting up a Group, Ping divides into two zones: Private: Just your tasks, tasks given to you, and tasks you've delegated Group: Every task the squad's working on Using the Group The group is by default divided into two sections: New tasks: tasks sorted by who's in charge 👤. Completed: done and dusted tasks ✅. You can add your own sections like 'This week' or 'Next week' - anything that helps you organize your team's assignments. Check out the video tutorial: How to assign Tasks to Groups What's next for Groups? Let non-members assign tasks—great for departments like Finance that get a lot of tasks from outside. Join our Discord community to discuss new features and propose solutions.

  • Advanced and Simple Modes

    Our goal is to offer you a tool that has all the advanced features you need 🚀, while also enabling you to collaborate with team members who may not be tech-savvy 👩‍💻👨‍💻. All this because... Implementing new tools in a team is tough 😓 You've probably tried introducing a new tool among your colleagues before, and you know it's no walk in the park. Oh boy, this looks complex, can I handle it? 😬 Wouldn't Google Docs be easier? Let's schedule a training session to figure this out Do we really need another tool when we're already managing? It's hard to blame these concerns because... Most popular task managers are quite complicated 🤯 There are many powerful tools out there offering a myriad of features 🌟. However, users often have to: Choose from a multitude of templates 📋 Watch a tutorial or go through a walk-through 📺 And yet, users are often greeted by interfaces like this: Asana ClickUp Simple Mode in Ping 👌 Ping's Simple Mode is genuinely straightforward. Before we dive into it, here’s what greets you upon launching Ping: In Simple Mode, all your tasks—whether you assigned them to yourself or received them—go to one place: the My tasks tab. Advanced Mode 🌈 In Advanced Mode, you can flexibly plan your tasks across three tabs: Today (your plan for today) 🌞 This week (plan for the upcoming week) 🗓️ Later (remaining tasks awaiting their turn) ⏳ You can also set specific due dates for tasks 🗓️. Tasks with a due date will automatically move to the appropriate tab as the due date approaches. Learn more about planning. Does Ping have all the features I need? While designing Ping, we focused on essential features, enabling you to work at your best while making team collaboration easy. We have: 📥 Quick task addition (with voice recording enhanced by AI) 🏷️ Tags 📚 Projects ⏰ Deadlines ⏸️ Task postponement 🛎️ Reminders 📎Attachments and 💬 Comments 👍 Reactions 📧 Email, Slack, ChatGPT integration 🤖 AI task assistant that helps with task execution More importantly, we're here to listen 👂. Join our Discord community to suggest new features and improvements. How to switch between Simple and Advanced Modes? 🔄 Ping will initially ask which mode you'd like to use 🤔: You can change the mode at any time by going to: Settings -> Application -> Use Advanced planning features. Existing tasks will be merged into the My tasks tab or sorted into Today, This week, Later tabs based on their deadlines 🗂️.

  • Meet your AI Task Assistant

    Dictate tasks like messages (mobile📱) Dictate your tasks just like you record messages on WhatsApp. Ping will automatically recognize: 📝 Title (and add corresponding emoji) 🏢 Project ⏰ Deadline 🔔 Reminder 👤 Responsible person AI will also summarize 📄 the key facts within your voice message! Type tasks faster (desktop 🖥️) Type the task in any form. You can address the person who needs to complete the task directly, or simply jot down the key information quickly. Ping will automatically recognize the parameters! 🖥️ Don't have the desktop app yet? Get it here! Get a little help in your task 🖥️📱 Not sure how to approach a task? 🤖 Ping AI Assistant is here to help you: 🔍 Clarify the purpose of the task and refine its title 🔄 Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps! ✍️ Write content and guide you further using ChatGPT 4.0.

  • Use Ping with ChatGPT application 🤖

    Chat with ChatGPT to manage your Ping tasks—it's like having an easy-to-talk-to assistant. See the explainer video: Ready to try? First, you'll need a ChatGPT Plus subscription. Then, just start the conversation with Ping Task Manager GPT. You can access the GPT directly from the ChatGPT application (mobile or web version). What you can do in Ping GPT: Add and edit tasks 📝: Say, "I need to prep a report for Friday. Remind me Thursday at 1 PM." ChatGPT picks up on task details, or you can spell them out: "Add task 'Prepare a report' due Friday." We understand: title description deadline reminder project assignee tags Update task details anytime in the chat. Plus, get a direct link to make UI tweaks in the Ping app 📲. Delegate 👥: Simply tell ChatGPT: Ask Caroline to draft a list of potential speakers for our festival by Monday. You'll get a confirmation prompt before the task is officially assigned. Kickstart projects 🚀: Want to start something new? Just tell us the project and get a draft of starter tasks 📝. Example prompt: "I need to organize an educational festival. Create a project and a few first-step tasks." Got project meeting notes? 📋 Paste 'em in and we'll turn them into tasks 🛠. Know exactly what you need? 🎯 Dictate the project name and its sub-tasks. View tasks 🔍: Want to see your tasks sorted by project or person? Just ask: Show me tasks for the festival project, grouped by assignee. Feedback? Share it on our Discord 🎧.

  • How to use Projects 📝

    The term "project" might sound serious, but in Ping, any task can easily transform into a project with sub-tasks. Just like you would use bullet points in Google Docs or Word, you can create a structured task list 📋. Why Projects? They allow you to lead while your team manages the nitty-gritty details 🚀. How to create a Project? Choose any task—even an assigned one—and opt for the “Turn into Project” feature. Two ways to do it: Right-click the task in your list: In task details, hit the [ ... ] button and select Project Managing your Project 🛠 Once a project is created, you can add and arrange tasks. A Projects tab will appear in the browser and desktop versions for easier access. Task dependencies 🛑: You can't kick off that campaign until Sophie nails the graphic design, right? Ping's got you. It locks tasks that can't be started until others are finished 🔒. Locked tasks visibility & notifications Locked tasks stay off the assignee's list—no point in cluttering it with tasks they can't tackle yet. But once a task unlocks? It pops up on their list and they get a heads-up in the New things tab 🛎. Distributing tasks in Projects 🤝 Ping Projects are excellent for allocating work among various individuals. For example, your Marketing Group can handle marketing tasks, Mathilda your accountant looks after finances, and freelancer Sophie takes care of graphics. The Best Part: Those responsible for individual tasks don't have to see the entire project plan. This makes Ping useful even for those less familiar with project management tools. Create projects using ChatGPT app 🤖 Ever thought of drafting a project straight from a chat? With our ChatGPT plugin, you can! Transform a simple brief into a pre-built project with starter tasks. It’s a quick way to get the ball rolling. How it works: Chat about your project brief in ChatGPT. Ask to generate a draft project and initial tasks. Jump into Ping's UI to tweak and fine-tune to your heart's content. See it in action: Get started: Head over to our dedicated page to learn how to use Ping in ChatGPT and explore other cool ways to use it. Projects vs Groups 🤔 While Projects are about breaking down tasks among different roles, Groups focus on collective visibility. For example, a Marketing Group may have tasks spread across multiple projects but needs a unified view for team tasks. Feedback? We'd love to hear from you on Discord 🎉.

  • Planning Tasks

    Stress-free task planning based on periodic reviews In Ping, you can assign tasks to one of three tabs: Today, This week, Later. This way, you set the time frame when you WANT to do a certain task, that is, you prioritize it. It's a simple choice that allows you to make a quick decision. Tip: Remember that planning options are available in Ping's Advanced mode. The Advanced mode is free, just like the Simple one. You can switch it anytime in the application settings. Learn more. Today Here you can place tasks you'd like to tackle on a given day. If you add too many tasks, nothing bad will happen - you can undertake them the next day (Ping will suggest this to you) or postpone them if your priorities have changed. Example plan for today: This week This is everything that's most important to you in the near future. Ping will help you review your lists Tasks that you add to the This week tab will stay there for the next 7 days. If you don't complete them during this time, Ping will inform you (without judgment 😄) encouraging you to review them and decide if they are still important or if something more pressing has come up. This way, Ping will let you know which tasks require your attention: In practice, tasks for the next 7 days are the perfect list where you can manage priorities. Later Here you can put everything that can wait for a while or is even slightly less important than tasks from This week (after all, you may not be able to do all the important things within a week). You can always check here for 'more' once you've dealt with the more urgent issues. Using task deadlines For some of your tasks, you will want to set a strict completion deadline. Depending on it, Ping will place the task in the appropriate tab: Today, This week or Later. Tasks that have a deadline longer than a week will go to the Later tab. You can find them there very easily, as tasks with a deadline are listed at the very top. If the deadline is less than a week, the task will go to the This week tab - giving you the first signal that you need to seriously look into the matter. Tasks with a deadline for today or overdue will permanently be in the Today tab. This way, you will never overlook them. Watch the video explainer!

  • Using Built-in Task Flow for Cooperation

    Cooperation is the main reason we created Ping. Other apps do a decent job at managing your own tasks, but teamwork is where Ping shines. 🌟 Delegating tasks Create a new task and use the Who button to set the Assignee. After assigning a task: The Assignee receives a notification (desktop or mobile) The task awaits them in the New things tab Once accepted, you'll know they’ve seen it and are on it 🤝 (It will show "Pending Acceptance" until then) Find all your assigned tasks under the Assigned tab Who's got the ball? Tracking task responsibility Ever get that "You never replied to my email about this task" excuse? With Ping, Assignees can easily set a task status to Need help. 🚨 The Assignee sets a task status to Need help You get notified in the New things tab The task is labeled Need help at the Assignee’s end Once you've offered guidance, it's easy to signal that this task is ready to do and clear your New things tab This keeps everyone on the same page about who's court the ball is in. Transparency is key. 🗝 Pinging instead of commenting Wondering what’s up with that task you assigned a week ago? Ping offers a neat feature. Just hit the Ping button: The Assignee receives a friendly, auto-generated nudge: 📣 Sending tasks for approval Tasks don't just vanish in Ping. When completed by the Assignee, they move to their Completed tab, allowing them to tackle new tasks. On your end, the task remains visible under Assigned tab and awaits your confirmation. Once approved, it moves to your Completed tab. 🎯 Reopening a task Had to revisit a completed task? No worries. In Ping, go to the Completed tab or search for the task and uncheck it. The Assignee gets a notification, making it clear that the task needs more work. 🔄 Upcoming collaboration enhancements Soon, Assignees will have an AI Assistant for basic task guidance. 🤖 Visual editor and task note formatting Need another crucial feature? Join our Discord community and let us know! Hope this makes your teamwork in Ping smoother and more efficient! 🛠

  • Priority or Deadline?🔥🕑

    Not every task needs a deadline. In practice, there are many tasks that don't require it, even the most important ones. When is a deadline good? If you really need to determine when a task needs to be done: Paying taxes - you'll get a penalty if you don't do it Signing up for a holiday course - after the holidays, it won't make sense anymore 🙂 When can a deadline harm? When you're trying to establish a task's priority or force yourself to it: Create a marketing strategy for my project Set up a call with Martin What happens if we overuse deadlines? Deadlines, which in practice are not binding, are often shifted Tasks with a close deadline start piling up on your list, even though they may already deviate from current priorities Tasks unnecessarily mix with calendar events, which are usually harder to move In Ping, we combine casual, stress-free task planning with the option to set strict timeframes. Find out how.

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